Cloud Content Management System CCMS aka Constelys

The time spent searching for misfiled documents often leads to direct costs and indirect productivity loss.

The administrative, financial or legal costs that can result from the loss of a document can be very significant.

Our CCMS Records Management solution allows you to manage both your digital archives and your physical warehouses. Thanks to an intelligent, intuitive, and integrated document classification system, CCMS users to classify documents in the correct location, according to the current classification plan within the organization, and apply the related retention schedule in an automated manner.

Thanks to our content lifecycle automation combined with our enterprise search connectors, monitoring is carried out on all your systems. This monitoring makes it possible to identify the documents and files to be processed per predefined artificial intelligence criteria.


Simple and intuitive, CCMS ensures a quick extraction and sharing of your content with your enterprise thanks to a simple keyword.

CCMS allows you to:

  • Find relevant information in all your business applications already in place.

  • Index and integrate all your company's information sources in a single interface, whether structured or unstructured information, to quickly adapt them to your graphic charter.

The detection of the latest version and the automatic typing of the document.

The application of the conservation rule to the document and the transfer to the documentary vault

-Deleting documents that have no value to your organization.

-The management of physical locations, the recommendation of the archive box, the generation of labels, slips, etc.

-The integration of the PDFA standard (ISO standard for archiving) ensures the durability of the documents over the years.

In-Place Integrations without Content Migration!

Migrating data from a system is often a lengthy internal process, which involves time on the part of the resources assigned to the project and considerable expense for its completion.

Thanks to our CCMS content lifecycle automation, revalue the contents of your systems and make them accessible without having to migrate them.

Our enterprise information archiving module, combined with our UniSearch search engine, will allow you to simultaneously retrieve data from your old and new systems.